Painted Bay series

The much loved first book in this series, Off Balance, won the NZ Romance Writers 2021 Romance Book of the Year Award.

This highly acclaimed 3-book series is set in the tiny fictional seaside town of Painted Bay, Northland, New Zealand. It centres around the Madden family and their friends and carries all the hallmarks you’d expect of small-town romances but with a New Zealand twist. You’ll
meet mussel farmers, fishermen and fishery officers, international ballet stars, choreographers
and tango lovers. The stories deal with medical issues, living with disabilities, hurt/comfort, redemption, family reconnection, and found family.

Book 1

Off Balance

When JUDAH MADDEN flees his suffocating home town in New Zealand for the dream of ballet stardom, he never intends coming back. Not to his family’s struggling mussel farm. Not to his jerk of a brother. Not with his entire life plan in shreds. And certainly not into the tempting arms of MORGAN WIPENE, the older, ruggedly handsome fisheries officer determined to screw with Judah’s intention to wallow in peace. 

But dreams are fickle things. Shatter them and it’s hard to pick up the pieces. Hard to believe. Hard to start again. 

And the hardest thing of all? Finding the courage to trust in love and build a new dream where you least expected to find it.



Book 2

On Board

Leroy Madden is in trouble. Big, handsome, Fox Carmody trouble. 

Leroy has buried his attraction to the enigmatic fisherman, keeping Fox at a safe distance. But with the man now living in Leroy’s house, it’s becoming impossible for Leroy to keep his feelings hidden, or the fact that Leroy maybe isn’t so straight, after all. 

Leroy hungers for something different between them. But his business is struggling, his newly mended relationship with his brother is at risk, Fox doesn’t plan to stay, and their mothers are lovers.  

Regardless of what Leroy so desperately wants, nothing about a relationship with Fox Carmody was ever going to be easy.



Book 3

In Step

Karma. You reap what you sow, and KANE MARTIN isn’t looking for forgiveness. But the arrival of ABE TYLER in Painted Bay has Kane dreaming of the impossible. The sexy, silver fox choreographer is determined to pull Kane out from the shadows, but Kane’s life is in neat little boxes for a reason. 

A past he isn’t proud of.

A secret he’s ashamed of. 

But life’s dance can make for unexpected partners, and learning to trust and keep up with the footwork is the name of the game. 

Two steps forward, one step back.


  • Off Balance

    If you're looking for a love story with characters you'll also fall hard for, then look no further than the visceral, delightful, beautifully emotional Off Balance.

    Kazza- On Top Down Under/Dark Hints Book Reviews

  • On Board

    This was such an emotional, completely addictive and swooning enemies-to-lovers story with amazing character growth! And some truly amazing chemistry between the main characters... I read this book in one sitting due to how much I loved it.

    Annie's Reading Tips

  • In Step

    This book is EVERYTHING! Jay Hogan has done it again. I loved the first two books but Kane's story outdid them. Kane and Abe's story will stay with me for a long time and Painted Bay has a little piece of my heart. Jay has such a beautiful way of bringing people together in her stories and Kane's story was no exception.

    C Fuller - Amazon Reviewer

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